FL - WR Sponsored Events 2024
FL - WR Sponsored Events
Previous Events
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Hawai'ian Quilt Talk Story and Learn Turn Needle quilting
Hallowe'en Give-Away at the Bookmobile
MAHALO Johnny's Restaurant for the book donation
September Master Gardener Seed Giveaway at the bookmobile
Milton Hershey Kisses Day at the Bookmobile
Join us, in celebrating Milton Hershey’s Birthday, on September 16th, Saturday from 10 AM- 2 PM, to receive your small gift bag of Hershey’s kisses.
September 5th is “Read a Book Day”, and
September 8th is “International Literacy Day”, so pick out a book while you’re at the Bookmobile.
Back to school give-away for Keiki's!
Summer Reading program for rising 5, 6, and 7th grade students.
Do to lack of interest, the program has been canceled.
April 29, 2023 - Celebrated Books, Libraries, and Bookmobiles!
With Friends of the Library - Waikoloa Region at the Bookmobile. Fun activities, snacks, and water were provided.
Did you know March is National Reading Month?
What are you reading?
February 25th, FL - WR Distibuted free colorable bookmarks and crayon kits for keiki at the Bookmobile.
On February 11, FL - WR provided coloring books and crayons at the Wiliwili Festival Waikoloa Dry Forest Initiative
January 13, 2023
Reporters from Civil Beat, Hawaii’s public affairs media outlet, meet with FL - WR Board members and members of the WVA Community to discuss local issues and plans for the Library. er